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1Cách viết bài essay IELTS Empty Cách viết bài essay IELTS Fri May 02, 2014 12:56 am


Bố cục là một trong 4 tiêu chí lớn để đánh giá chất lượng của bài Essay (cùng với tính súc tích, thống nhất, và tính mạch lạc).

Cách viết bài essay IELTS Argumentative-essay-structure

Vậy thì đâu là bố cục chuẩn để bạn hoàn thiện được một bài Essay đạt điểm cao?
Hãy thử làm theo cấu trúc dưới đây nhé.
I. Introduction
A background sentence giving some background information on the essay topic.
- A more detailed sentence linking the background sentence to the thesis
- A thesis that presents your point of view on your given topic.
- An outline sentence declaring the 2 points you are going to use to support your thesis.

II. Body
* Supporting paragraph 1
- A topic sentence illustrating the first point you will be presenting to support your thesis (this point taken from your outline sentence).
- A sentence showing a real-life example of this topic in action.
- A discussion sentence that shows how your example links or proves your topic sentence.
- A conclusion sentence that links this entire paragraph back to your thesis.

* Supporting paragraph 2
- A topic sentence illustrating the second point you will be presenting to support your thesis (this point taken from your outline sentence)
- A sentence showing a real-life example of this topic in action.
- A discussion sentence that shows how your example links or proves your topic sentence.
- A conclusion sentence that links this entire paragraph back to your thesis.

III. Conclusion
- A summary sentence that briefly states the 2 points you discussed in your supporting paragraphs.
- A restatement of your thesis using different words.
- A prediction or recommendation based on the topic you have been given.

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